
Massage & body treatments special offer

Classical massage & full body scrub with lemongrass

Seasonal offer 79€ (normal price 86€)

The unique body scrub, especially developed for our own customers and containing amber, algae, and lemongrass, is created to offer more than just cleanliness. Body scrub enhances skin circulation, removes dead skin cells, and leaves the skin soft and elastic.

Amber is an ancient natural treasure, known for its rejuvenating and revitalizing effect on the skin. The refreshing aroma of lemongrass, on the other hand, provides new energy to the body and senses. In the scrub, amber and lemongrass combine their forces to help gently remove dead skin cells, leaving the skin silky smooth and radiant. These ingredients balance the sebaceous gland function and improve skin texture while removing excess water. The light and gentle scrub contains finely ground pumice stone, silica powder, and cane sugar – ingredients selected for gentle yet effective and thorough cleansing.

The offer is valid in our SPA department until 31st of August 2024. We kindly ask You to reserve the time beforehand via email booking@sinine.ee or by calling  +372 670 5002 and using the password “homepage offer”.

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